September 29, 2009

Pipeline gets Fringed. The Modelshop provides props for an episode of the second season of FOX'S Television show, "Fringe".

September 25, 2009

A couple months ago, we worked on ABC Television Pilot in association with SFX Studio. The show titled, "No Heroics" was suppose to air this month, unfortunately the network decided not to move forward with the series and canceled the premier due to current U.S economy and high budget concerns. Below are some photos of what the costumed heroes would have worn.

Pipeline was brought on to lead the designing and manufacture the shows lead characters costume elements. Below is the completed "Brainstorm" helmet. (Design, sculpting and finishing by Howard and Keith Lau)

Below is the character, Cross Fade's  brow mask. Design and cosmetic finishing by Keith Lau. Sculpted by Shaun Noelte. 

Finished clay sculpt of Ultimatum's shoulder armour prior to moulding.
Done by Keith Lau.


Finished Brainstorm brow mask sculpt. Done by Howard Lau.

Work in progress. On location at SFX Studio.